Lecture 22: Introduction to Computer Vision

CBIO (CSCI) 4835/6835: Introduction to Computational Biology

Overview and Objectives

This week, we're moving into image processing. In this lecture, we'll touch on some core concepts around computer vision, or the field dedicated to machine understanding of images. By the end of this lecture, you should be able to

  • Read in and display any image using Python
  • Understand the basic components and core data structures of images
  • Describe core image processing techniques such as thresholding, equalization, and autocontrast
  • Recall some of the computer vision packages available in Python for more advanced image processing

Part 1: Computer Vision

Whenever you hear about or refer to an image analysis task, you've stepped firmly into territory occupied by computer vision, or the field of research associated with understanding images and designing algorithms to do the same.

Examples of Computer Vision

You can probably name numerous examples of computer vision already, but just to highlight a couple:

  • Facebook and Google use sophisticated computer vision methods to perform facial recognition scans of photos that are uploaded to their servers. You've likely seen examples of this when Facebook automatically puts boxes around the faces of people in a picture, and asks if you'd like to tag certain individuals.

  • Tesla Motors' "Autopilot" and other semi-autonomous vehicles use arrays of cameras to capture outside information, then process these photos using computer vision methods in order to pilot the vehicle. Google's experimental self-driving cars use similar techniques, but are fully autonomous.

  • The subarea of machine learning known as "deep learning" has exploded in the last five years, resulting in state-of-the-art image recognition capabilities. Google's DeepMind can recognize arbitrary images to an extraordinary degree, and similar deep learning methods have been used to automatically generate captions for these images.

This is all to underscore: computer vision is an extremely active area of research and application!

  • Automated categorization and annotation of YouTube videos (identification of illegal content?)
  • Analyzing photos on your smartphones
  • License plate and facial recognition for law enforcement officials
  • Disabled access to web technologies
  • Virtual reality

Images and their Representations

From the perspective of the computer, the simplest constituent of an image is a pixel.

  • pix: picture
  • el: element

A pixel is a picture element.

  • In a grayscale image, the pixel contains the intensity. Depending on the image format this may range from 0-1, 0-255, or be any floating point number.
  • In a color image, a pixel is (usually) a triple (red, green, blue) of color values where each color intensity ranges from 0-255 (24-bit color).

(There are many other image formats and representations, but they tend to be variations on this theme)

In either grayscale or color, the pixels are arranged in rectangular arrays, one for each color channel (1 for grayscale, 3 for RGB).

(What could these arrays possibly be in Python?)

Part 2: Loading and Manipulating Images

Let's jump in and get our hands dirty! First, let's use a relevant image:

  • Actin
  • HSP27
  • DAPI

I've stored this image in the course GitHub repository under lectures/Lecture22 ( https://github.com/eds-uga/cbio4835-sp17 ) if you're interested.

Here's how to load the images in Python:

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
In [2]:
# Loads the image (just like a text file!)
img = mpimg.imread("Lecture22/image1.png")

<class 'numpy.ndarray'>

Just a regular NumPy array!

Let's see if we can visualize it.

In [3]:
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x11b078b38>

This shows the whole image, all three channels.

As evidenced by the .shape property of the NumPy array, there are three dimensions to this image:

  • the first is height (or rows)
  • the second is width (or columns)
  • the third is color (or depth)

Each slice of the third dimension is a color channel, of which there are 3: one for red, one for green, and one for blue (hence: RGB).

We can plot them separately!

In [4]:
# First, separate out the channels.
r = img[:, :, 0]
g = img[:, :, 1]
b = img[:, :, 2]

# Now, plot each channel separately.
f = plt.figure(figsize = (12, 6))
f.add_subplot(1, 3, 1)
plt.imshow(np.array(r), cmap = "gray") 
f.add_subplot(1, 3, 2)
plt.imshow(np.array(g), cmap = "gray")
f.add_subplot(1, 3, 3)
plt.imshow(np.array(b), cmap = "gray")
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x11bd20828>

For comparison, here's the original:

In [5]:
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x11c587f98>

Image analysis of any kind is usually done on a single channel.


Since images are stored as NumPy arrays, all the usual NumPy functionality (besides slicing, as we saw earlier) is available to you.

  • Want to compute the maximum and minimum pixel values in the images?
In [6]:
  • Want to compute the average and median pixel values?
In [7]:
  • How about the median of each of the red, green, and blue channels separately?
In [8]:

Converting Image Types

Recall that our img object was loaded from a PNG image; this is the only format type that Matplotlib natively supports (more on that later).

When you read an image into Python, it will automatically detect the format and read it into the closest approximate Python data format it can. However, you can always manually convert it once it's in Python.

For instance, we use a slightly different approach to instead read in our image as grayscale:

In [9]:
import scipy.ndimage as ndimg

img_gray = ndimg.imread("Lecture22/image1.png", flatten = True)  # The "flatten" arg is critical
(480, 640)

Note how there are only 2 dimensions now--just a height and width.

There is no need for a 3rd dimension because there's only 1 channel: luminescence, or grayscale intensity.

In [10]:
plt.imshow(img_gray, cmap = "gray")
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x11e39c860>

We can access individual pixels, just as you would individual elements of a matrix NumPy array (because that's all it is):

In [11]:
print(img_gray[100, 200])
In [12]:
print(img_gray[150, :])
[ 11.60599995  12.50300026  11.27900028  11.69200039  11.69200039
  11.62100029  12.20800018  13.0340004   12.51799965  12.02299976
  12.14799976  11.43599987  12.14799976  12.02299976  11.9630003
  12.47900009  13.30500031  12.8920002   12.8210001   12.93500042
  14.43000031  12.96700001  13.57600021  13.20600033  13.17800045
  13.6619997   14.26000023  14.63000011  13.7329998   15.40200043
  13.61900043  13.75        13.57600021  14.71800041  14.30500031
  12.59300041  11.46800041  12.9090004   13.80599976  12.9090004
  12.97999954  13.57800007  12.75199986  12.82299995  11.51299953
  13.40999985  11.92599964  12.81200027  13.06799984  12.77999973
  11.76900005  11.82900047  13.21000004  12.80799961  12.98200035
  11.91100025  12.38399982  13.05300045  13.05300045  13.96100044
  13.06400013  14.8579998   15.14599991  17.54899979  18.43499947
  16.52700043  17.05400085  16.22800064  18.13599968  17.84799957
  17.23900032  17.60899925  18.13599968  18.13599968  15.9289999
  18.43499947  15.9289999   17.23900032  16.94000053  16.34199905  17.125
  16.52700043  15.75500011  19.63100052  17.53800011  18.25        18.84799957
  18.54899979  20.04400063  21.53899956  22.43600082  21.84900093
  24.64299965  27.33399963  29.9109993   33.61299896  37.20100021
  38.98400116  34.92300034  37.61399841  36.11899948  36.4070015
  35.33599854  36.00500107  36.5320015   34.74900055  35.22200012
  35.93399811  33.8409996   34.15100098  36.24399948  36.64599991
  36.95600128  38.55400085  39.64699936  37.85300064  40.06000137
  41.85400009  41.85400009  43.83300018  43.27799988  40.24499893
  41.85400009  39.2879982   39.57600021  41.18500137  36.70000076
  37.18399811  39.09199905  36.9280014   37.41199875  35.91699982
  36.2159996   33.94900131  34.84600067  34.54700089  33.94900131
  34.35100174  32.87799835  34.36199951  34.95999908  34.95999908
  37.23799896  35.67200089  33.65000153  36.15599823  34.67200089
  35.3730011   34.67200089  33.10599899  34.07400131  37.29199982
  36.58000183  35.79700089  37.09600067  38.37400055  35.31299973
  35.31299973  36.99300003  35.19900131  36.43799973  39.01499939
  40.50999832  42.00500107  41.17900085  39.38499832  40.62400055
  41.4070015   38.91199875  38.11800003  40.50999832  36.80799866
  37.70500183  37.22100067  36.92200089  39.12900162  39.72700119
  40.39599991  41.70600128  42.60300064  40.21099854  40.02600098
  41.4070015   39.02600098  40.63499832  38.54199982  40.93399811
  39.32500076  38.35699844  38.24300003  38.65599823  41.93399811
  38.53099823  37.7480011   35.66600037  37.0359993   35.96500015
  34.47000122  34.69800186  34.17100143  33.5019989   33.57300186
  34.39899826  33.31700134  31.45199966  30.66900063  30.85400009
  32.57699966  32.61999893  30.28199959  32.29299927  30.73800087
  29.75900078  30.04100037  31.2689991   29.52899933  30.45800018
  29.68600082  30.91399956  30.78300095  29.80400085  30.15699959
  31.38500023  30.4279995   28.63400078  29.34600067  29.94400024
  28.13899994  30.94400024  30.62800026  29.13299942  30.48600006
  29.20800018  29.78899956  29.60400009  30.61499977  28.45100021
  32.72299957  30.88599968  30.51600075  30.44499969  30.81500053
  29.23399925  30.41900063  30.35899925  29.57600021  29.39100075
  31.15699959  30.04700089  30.98699951  33.13800049  34.00699997
  36.00099945  32.48400116  33.45199966  33.8370018   35.7879982
  34.6629982   32.59799957  32.62599945  30.40399933  29.88999939
  27.55400085  26.04400063  26.85499954  27.70899963  27.18199921
  27.29599953  26.05699921  27.55200005  24.70400047  24.17700005
  24.91699982  24.98800087  23.40699959  23.96199989  22.46699905
  22.19599915  22.38100052  21.78300095  21.32699966  20.98500061
  20.87100029  21.05599976  20.7140007   19.5890007   18.0510006
  19.27499962  19.04700089  17.57999992  16.53700066  16.11300087
  17.49399948  15.13000011  15.4289999   14.61400032  16.40800095
  16.09799957  14.98400021  15.15799999  15.15799999  14.15799999
  15.52799988  15.65299988  13.25        16.12599945  15.94099998
  14.5170002   16.72400093  15.7130003   16.50699997  16.08300018
  17.39299965  14.5880003   15.60999966  16.39299965  16.08300018
  14.30000019  18.29000092  15.7840004   17.09399986  19.18700027
  17.88800049  16.68099976  19.08399963  19.37199974  18.65999985
  17.87700081  18.07299995  18.65999985  17.36100006  17.57799911
  16.45299911  17.95899963  17.65999985  18.1439991   17.64900017
  19.92700005  18.74200058  19.74200058  20.05200005  21.30800056
  22.14500046  27.10300064  27.22800064  27.          30.58799934
  32.31100082  35.47499847  35.18700027  37.56800079  39.3730011
  39.85699844  39.97100067  42.54800034  43.44499969  41.35200119
  45.04299927  45.5379982   45.64099884  47.14699936  47.51699829
  45.95100021  40.75400162  38.36199951  31.48500061  31.59900093
  25.50499916  24.72200012  21.73200035  17.91600037  15.63799953
  14.14299965  13.24600029  12.94699955  13.24600029  11.63700008
  12.05000019  13.05000019  13.54500008  14.44200039  14.14299965
  16.83399963  16.83399963  19.4109993   21.02000046  22.2159996
  30.58799934  37.45399857  45.35300064  58.69400024  67.66400146
  59.87900162  54.09500122  42.54800034  32.37099838  31.18600082
  31.18600082  32.85499954  33.99100113  32.08300018  34.77399826
  35.67100143  35.25799942  33.39300156  35.77399826  35.48600006
  35.06200027  35.07300186  31.89800072  25.31999969  22.03100014
  22.74300003  22.74300003  22.02000046  20.16600037  19.2689991
  18.84499931  17.88800049  19.44300079  17.57799911  16.26799965
  15.01200008  14.88700008  13.81599998  12.91899967  14.21800041
  13.02200031  12.73400021  13.54899979  10.56999969  10.08600044
  11.99400043  10.61299992  10.68400002  11.4989996    9.82999992
  11.43900013   9.94400024   9.75899982  10.17199993   9.38899994
  10.81299973   9.98700047   9.50300026   9.01900005   9.43200016
  11.51399994   9.73099995   8.82299995   9.31799984   9.38899994
   7.66599989   8.74800014  10.41699982   9.60200024   8.69400024
   9.00399971  10.08600044   9.48799992   9.90100002  10.30300045
  10.18900013  10.01500034   9.10700035  10.23200035   9.86200047
   8.79100037   8.90499973  10.37199974  11.19799995  10.71399975
  10.34399986  10.68599987  12.52299976  12.72299957  12.86900043
  12.73799992  13.49300003  14.31900024  15.48700047  15.18799973
  15.30200005  14.63300037  15.38799953  15.95800018  16.52799988
  17.23999977  16.6420002   16.48500061  16.44199944  17.25300026
  15.25899982  15.69999981  13.70600033  14.33199978  14.21800041
  14.28899956  14.61600018  13.70800018  11.95300007  12.62199974
  12.69299984  10.81299973  12.97700024  12.92300034  12.29300022
  13.56000042  12.54899979  13.14700031  11.83699989  12.61999989
  12.54899979  11.42399979  12.3210001   12.50599957  12.98999977
  12.3920002   13.09300041  12.09300041  13.47399998  11.79399967
  12.16399956  12.4630003   11.73999977  12.05000019  10.85400009
  11.15299988  12.64799976  11.7510004   13.61600018  12.94699955
  13.72999954  12.83300018  12.83300018  14.32800007  11.93599987
  14.02900028  13.91499996  12.5340004   12.5340004   14.61600018
  13.01799965  14.92599964  12.12100029   9.84300041  11.22399998
   8.83199978  10.92500019  11.3380003   12.42000008  12.71899986
  14.02900028  13.61600018  12.83300018  12.71899986  12.83300018
  15.11100006  13.50199986  13.01799965  14.02900028  15.70899963
  13.61600018  14.51299953  14.99699974  15.52400017  14.81200027
  15.11100006  16.30699921  16.6060009   16.6060009   17.0189991
  16.00799942  15.40999985  16.6060009   17.20400047  17.80200005
  20.79199982  18.39999962  18.51399994  20.37899971  22.57500076
  22.88500023  22.38999939  23.36899948  25.75        24.26600075
  28.25600052  28.2670002   26.04899979  25.26600075  26.16300011
  24.06999969  26.34799957  26.35899925  25.75        25.75        25.875
  26.04899979  25.76099968  28.25600052  27.07099915  26.47299957
  28.55500031  28.2670002   31.24600029  31.54500008  30.95800018
  30.46299934  26.76099968  26.46199989  28.55500031  25.45100021
  26.94599915  25.46199989  25.86400032  23.65699959  22.87400055
  21.38999939  20.49300003  18.87299919  19.29700089  19.47100067
  17.97599983  18.27499962  18.09000015  19.2859993   18.38899994
  19.17200089  18.5739994   19.77000046  21.26499939  20.66699982
  19.17200089  22.15099907  23.76000023  26.34799957  29.73999977
  30.8220005   29.44099998]
In [13]:
print(np.max(img_gray[:, 400]))

If you so desire, you can even modify the pixel values directly, again just as you would for a regular NumPy array.

Fair warning: doing this alters the image! You may want to copy the image structure first...

In [14]:
for i in range(img_gray.shape[0]):
    for j in range(120, 130):
        img_gray[i, j] = 255

plt.imshow(img_gray, cmap = "gray")
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x11e9140f0>


Another very useful way of obtaining information about an image is to view the histogram of pixel values.

You can do this regardless of whether it's a grayscale or RGB image, though in the latter case it's useful to plot the pixel values separated by channel.

First, let's re-import the image as grayscale and take a look at how the pixel values show up in a histogram:

In [15]:
img_gray = ndimg.imread("Lecture22/image1.png", flatten = True)
_ = plt.hist(img_gray.flatten(), bins = 25)

This tells us some very useful information--primarily, that most of the pixel values are centered around what seems like a pretty low number (20-30), so by and large the image is very dark (which we saw).

There do seem to be a few light spots on an island around 120-140, but that's it.

Let's take a look now at each channel individually.

In [16]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (16, 4))
_ = plt.hist(r.flatten(), bins = 25, range = (0, 1), color = 'r')
_ = plt.hist(g.flatten(), bins = 25, range = (0, 1), color = 'g')
_ = plt.hist(b.flatten(), bins = 25, range = (0, 1), color = 'b')

Recall what each channel represented:

  • Actin
  • HSP27
  • DAPI

There seems to be very little HSP27, while there is tons of actin and the quantity of DAPI falls somewhere in between.

...oh wait, did you see the scales for each one?

In [17]:
x = np.linspace(0, 1, 25)
plt.plot(x, np.histogram(r.flatten(), bins = 25)[0], color = 'r', label = 'Actin')
plt.plot(x, np.histogram(g.flatten(), bins = 25)[0], color = 'g', label = 'HSP27')
plt.plot(x, np.histogram(b.flatten(), bins = 25)[0], color = 'b', label = 'DAPI')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x11f2b7c88>

So, yes:

  • Clearly, very little HSP27 signal, relative to the other stains. Most of those pixels are black (0).
  • There does seem to be a decent amount of DAPI signal, but like HSP27 it too drops off very quickly; not many DAPI pixels with brightness greater than 0.4 or so.
  • The actin signal is probably the most interesting one, in that it's very diffuse--very few black (0) pixels, no white pixels either (1), but somewhere in between for the most part. This is fairly characteristic for actin.


While we're on the topic of histograms, there is a convenient way to try and "reshape" the pixel histograms so as to make the resulting image a bit sharper. This is called histogram equalization.

The idea is simple enough: re-map the pixel values in the image so that the corresponding histogram is perfectly flat.

Basically it tries to fill in the "valleys" and flatten the "peaks" of the pixel histograms we saw earlier--this has the effect of bringing out very dim signal and dampening oversaturated signal.

Let's see an example, using one of the image channels.

In [18]:
from PIL import Image, ImageOps

img_pil = Image.open("Lecture22/image1.png")
beq = ImageOps.equalize(img_pil.split()[2])

f = plt.figure(figsize = (12, 6))
f.add_subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.imshow(b, cmap = 'gray')
f.add_subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.imshow(np.array(beq), cmap = 'gray')
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x11f356438>

We can directly see why these two images look different (and, specifically, what histogram equalization did) by recomputing the channel histograms:

In [19]:
plt.plot(img_pil.split()[2].histogram(), 'b')
plt.plot(beq.histogram(), 'k')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x11f1b1a90>]


Autocontrast is another tool that modifies the pixel histograms to try and make the resulting images more viewable. In this case, the goal of autocontrast is to maximize (normalize) image contrast.

This function calculates a histogram of the input image, removes cutoff percent of the lightest and darkest pixels from the histogram, and remaps the image so that the darkest remaining pixel becomes black (0), and the lightest becomes white (255).

In essence, you choose some percentage cut-off (say: 50%, or 0.5), removes that fraction of pixels that are both darkest and lightest (assumes they're noise and throws them away), then remaps the remaining pixels.

Here's what it might look like:

In [20]:
bcon = ImageOps.autocontrast(img_pil.split()[2], 0.5)

f = plt.figure(figsize = (12, 6))
f.add_subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.imshow(b, cmap = "gray")
f.add_subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.imshow(np.array(bcon), cmap = "gray")
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x11f4f6b70>

In this case, we're trying to chop off pixel values at both ends of the histogram (lightest and darkest) and reshuffling the others around to make them more visible, hopefully improving contrast.

The effects on the underlying histograms look like:

In [21]:
plt.plot(img_pil.split()[2].histogram(), 'r')
plt.plot(bcon.histogram(), 'k')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x11f441978>]

It closely mimics the original histogram, but because some values at the tails were thrown away, all the other values were reshuffled--you end up with more pixels some of the middle values, which is (presumably) the signal you're interested in.


Thresholding is the process by which you define a pixel threshold--say, the value 100--and set every pixel below that value to 0, and every pixel above that value to 255.

In doing so, you binarize the image, as each pixel takes on only one of two possible values.

Remember boolean indexing?

(head on over to slide 40 of Lecture 8--January 31--if you're a little fuzzy on the details)

In short, you can create masks based on certain boolean conditions so you can modify certain parts of the array while holding the others constant.

Here's the example straight from the lecture:

In [22]:
x = np.random.standard_normal(size = (7, 4))

[[ -6.49979242e-02   2.08316539e-01  -7.06011870e-01  -9.82043350e-01]
 [ -1.09983995e+00  -1.18645041e+00  -9.53307184e-01   6.89604810e-02]
 [ -2.64952299e+00  -5.97906503e-01  -4.66659443e-01   2.37222881e-01]
 [ -1.72373952e+00   1.03769970e+00   9.85069452e-01  -7.08066133e-01]
 [  1.47547962e+00   1.34952992e+00   1.24486749e+00   1.81284437e+00]
 [  6.33840445e-01  -9.44929143e-01  -1.70004374e-03  -2.09578017e+00]
 [ -6.91257130e-01  -6.03497503e-01   1.00038630e+00   8.05767208e-01]]

If we just want the positive numbers, we can define a mask using the condition you'd find in an if statement:

In [23]:
mask = x < 0  # For every element of x, ask: is it < 0?

[[ True False  True  True]
 [ True  True  True False]
 [ True  True  True False]
 [ True False False  True]
 [False False False False]
 [False  True  True  True]
 [ True  True False False]]

The mask is just a bunch of True and False values.

Now we can use the mask to modify the parts of the original array that correspond to True in the mask:

In [24]:
x[mask] = 0.0
[[ 0.          0.20831654  0.          0.        ]
 [ 0.          0.          0.          0.06896048]
 [ 0.          0.          0.          0.23722288]
 [ 0.          1.0376997   0.98506945  0.        ]
 [ 1.47547962  1.34952992  1.24486749  1.81284437]
 [ 0.63384045  0.          0.          0.        ]
 [ 0.          0.          1.0003863   0.80576721]]

Back to images! Let's use a threshold on our blue channel:

In [25]:
b_thresh = np.array(bcon) > 120  # Every pixel greater than 120 is "True", otherwise it's "False"

f = plt.figure(figsize = (12, 6))
f.add_subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.imshow(np.array(bcon), cmap = "gray")
f.add_subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.imshow(b_thresh, cmap = "gray")
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x11c502048>

Any ideas how we might, say, count the number of cells?

Part 3: Computer Vision in Python

There is an entire ecosystem of computer vision packages for Python.

Some are very general (a lot like scipy.ndimage and PIL) while some are very specific to certain classes of problems.

You could spend an entire career with just one or two of these packages, but very briefly I'll name a few of the most popular.

(We'll make use of some of them on Thursday)


If scipy.ndimage or PIL proves to be insufficient for your needs, this should be the first stop you take in looking for alternatives.

It has a wealth of general-purpose image processing routines built-in. It's actively developed and very easy to use, and integrates well with NumPy and SciPy.

It also comes with a bunch of basic tutorials and sample data to help you get your feet wet.


This is another excellent general-purpose image processing library, though it has a slight preference for bio-imaging applications. After all, its author is a computational biologist!

Like scikit-image, it's actively developed, easy to use, and integrates fully with the NumPy + SciPy scientific computing environment for Python.

This is probably your first stop if you're looking for some basic bioimaging tools; we'll make use of it Thursday, most likely.


OpenCV (for "Open Computer Vision") is the Grand Daddy of image processing packages.

You'll want to use this if computer vision is a significant part of your day-to-day career. It's not for the faint of heart, however: it's a C++ library with Python bindings, which means you have to install from source, and that can be painful depending on how (un)comfortable you are with compiling things from scratch.

(though if you use the Anaconda distribution of Python, and you connect it to the conda-forge channel, you can download pre-built OpenCV packages that WAY SIMPLIFY this process)

That said, OpenCV has everything:

  • automated image segmentation
  • facial recognition
  • video stabilization
  • optical flow algorithms
  • image stitching
  • filtering
  • warping
  • matching
  • ...

The list goes on and on.

It's well-maintained, well-documented, and while it can be a little tricky to use, it has a huge community of developers and users ready to help.

Like scikit-image, it also provides a ton of tutorials for typical use-cases, though OpenCV's definition of "typical" is a little different: they're actually pretty in-depth!


Thursday's lecture--

  • Filters (blurring, sharpening, enhancing, edge-finding)
  • Flooding and filling (like Photoshop's "magic wand")
  • Segmentation and cell counting

Stay tuned!

  • Project proposals due this Friday, April 7 by 11:59pm (just email them to me)
  • Assignment 4...don't ask. It'll be up when it goes up.

Additional Resources