Mojtaba Fazli (TA)
- Office: Boyd GSRC, Room 537A.
- Office Hours: Fridays, 3:00 - 4:00pm
- Email: mojtaba@uga.edu
Data Science II
Fall 2017 Rendition
All course announcements will be made in the Slack chat.
Lectures are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:00am - 12:15pm, and Wednesdays from 11:15am - 12:05pm. All meetings are in Hardman Hall, Room 101.
Course assignments will use AutoLab. We will be using Python 3[.6+] for most assignments.
There are no required textbooks for the course. Course materials will be linked from the lecture schedule and archived in the GitHub repository; other recommended texts will be cited.
You are not expected to know any programming before taking this course, but you are expected to pick it up very quickly.
You are expected to be familiar with probability theory, statistics, and basic machine learning.
This is the beating heart of course expectations, policies, and schedules. If something isn't clear, please ask; claiming you didn't know is not an acceptable defense.
Lectures are held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. All lectures are in Hardman Hall, Room 101.
Tues/Thurs lectures are 11:00am - 12:15pm. Wed lectures are 11:15am - 12:05pm.
Date | Topic | Links |
Tues, 8/15 | Lecture 1: Course Introduction | pptx | pdf |
Wed, 8/16 | Workshop 0: Setting up your Python Environment | ipynb |
Thurs, 8/17 | Homework 1 Released | |
Thurs, 8/17 | Lecture 2: Python Crash Course | html | pdf | ipynb |
Tues, 8/22 | Guest Lecturer Charles Morn | pdf | pptx |
Wed, 8/23 | Guest Lecturer John Miller: Linear Regression | |
Thurs, 8/24 | Guest Lecturer John Drake: Computational Botany | |
Tues, 8/29 | Guest Lecturer Khaled Rasheed: Evolutionary Computation | pdf | pptx |
Wed, 8/30 | Workshop 1: ML Pipelines and Hyperparameter Gridsearch with scikit-Learn Justin Hooker & Sy Ahmed |
materials | gdoc1 | gdoc2 |
Thurs, 8/31 | Homework 1 Due ; Homework 2 Released | |
Thurs, 8/31 | ||
Tues, 9/5 | Guest Lecturer Khaled Rasheed: Evolutionary Computation (continued) | pdf | pptx |
Wed, 9/6 | Workshop 2: AutoML with tpot William Sanders & Rajeswari Sivakumar |
materials |
Thurs, 9/7 | Lecture 9: Dense Motion Analysis | pdf | pptx |
Wed, 9/13 | Workshop 3: Object Segmentation and Tracking with OpenCV Weiwen Xu |
materials |
Thurs, 9/14 | Homework 2 Due | |
Thurs, 9/14 | Guest Lecturer Tianming Liu: HAFNI | pdf | ppt |
Mon, 9/18 | Homework 3 Released | |
Tues, 9/19 | Lecture 12: Linear Dynamical Systems | pdf | pptx |
Tues, 9/19 | Assignment 1 Postmortem Discussion | pdf | pptx |
Wed, 9/20 | Guest Lecturer Mike Scarbrough | CEO, Nextech |
Thurs, 9/21 | Workshop 4: Bayesian ML with PyMC3 and Edward Taylor Smith & Jonathan Hayne |
slides | ipynb |
Tues, 9/26 | Lecture 14: Graphs | pdf | pptx |
Wed, 9/27 | Workshop 5: Scalable analytics with PySpark and Dask Nicholas Klepp |
materials |
Thurs, 9/28 | Homework 3 Due | |
Thurs, 9/28 | Lecture 15: Spectral clustering | pdf | pptx |
Tues, 10/3 | Midterm Exam | |
Wed, 10/4 | Post-mortem Review | |
Thurs, 10/5 | Homework 4 Released | |
Thurs, 10/5 | Lecture 16: Semi-supervised learning on graphs | pdf | pptx |
Tues, 10/10 | Lecture 17: Metric learning | pdf | pptx |
Wed, 10/11 | Workshop 6: Approximate nearest-neighbors with annoy | materials |
Thurs, 10/12 | Final Project Proposals Due | |
Thurs, 10/12 | Lecture 18: Kernel and Sparse PCA | pdf | pptx |
Tues, 10/17 | Lecture 19: Randomized SVD | pdf | pptx |
Wed, 10/18 | Workshop 7: Auto-differentiation with Autograd I-Huei Ho |
materials |
Thurs, 10/19 | Homework 4 Due ; Homework 5 Released | |
Thurs, 10/19 | Lecture 20: Dictionary learning | pdf | pptx |
Tues, 10/24 | Lecture 21: Kernel Methods | pdf | pptx |
Wed, 10/25 | Workshop 8: AutoEncoders with H2o Prajay Shetty |
materials |
Thurs, 10/26 | Lecture 22: Neural networks | pdf | pptx |
Tues, 10/31 | Lecture 23: Backpropagation | pdf | pptx |
Wed, 11/1 | Workshop 9: Deep learning with keras Aditya Shinde & Christopher Barrick |
materials |
Thurs, 11/2 | Homework 5 Due | |
Thurs, 11/2 | Lecture 24: Information theory for deep learning | pdf | pptx |
Tues, 11/7 | Lecture 25: Convolutional neural networks | pdf | pptx |
Wed, 11/8 | Workshop 10: Introduction to deep learning with Tensorflow Jonathan Waring & Xiaojia He |
materials |
Thurs, 11/9 | Lecture 26: Recurrent neural networks | pdf | pptx |
Tues, 11/14 | Lecture 27: Autoencoders | pdf | pptx |
Wed, 11/15 | Workshop 11: GANs in PyTorch Charlie Lu |
materials | slides |
Thurs, 11/16 | Lecture 28: Deep generative models | pdf | pptx |
Tues, 11/28 |
Wed, 11/29 |
Thurs, 11/30 |
Thurs, 12/7 | Final Project Deliverables Due |
The best and most reliable way to reach out to me or the course TA is the course Slack chat.