Christian McDaniel
¶Data Scientist & Software Engineer,
NCR Innovation Lab
¶Word Embedding | Molecular Structure | Traffic Routes | Neuronal Networks |
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+ Great success with computer vision-based applications |
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$Z = \tilde{D}^{\frac{-1}{2}}\tilde{A}\tilde{D}^{\frac{-1}{2}}X\Theta$
$H^{(l+1)} = \sigma(\tilde{D}^{\frac{-1}{2}}\tilde{A}\tilde{D}^{\frac{-1}{2}}H^{l}W^{l})$
$Z = f(X,A) = \textrm{softmax}(\hat{A} \textrm{ReLU}(\hat{A}XW^{0})W^{1})$
$L = U^{T} \Lambda U$
$L = I - D^{-1/2} A D^{-1/2} = U^{T} \Lambda U$
$L = I - D^{-1/2} A D^{-1/2} = U^{T} \Lambda U$
$\hat{x} = U^{T}x \in \mathbb{R}^{n}$
$g_{\Theta} \ast x = U ((U^{T}g_{\Theta}) \bigodot (U^{T}x)) = g_{\Theta}(U \Lambda U^{T})x$
$L = I - D^{-1/2} A D^{-1/2} = U^{T} \Lambda U$
$g_{\Theta} \ast x = U ((U^{T}g_{\Theta}) \bigodot (U^{T}x)) = g_{\Theta}(U \Lambda U^{T})x$
$g_{\Theta} \ast x = g_{\Theta}(U \Lambda U^{T})x = U\hat{G}U^{T}x$
$L = I - D^{-1/2} A D^{-1/2} = U^{T} \Lambda U$
$g_{\Theta} \ast x = U ((U^{T}g_{\Theta}) \bigodot (U^{T}x)) = g_{\Theta}(U \Lambda U^{T})x$
$g_{\Theta} \ast x = g_{\Theta}(U \Lambda U^{T})x = U\hat{G}U^{T}x$
$g_{\Theta}\prime \approx \sum^{K}_{k=0}\Theta\prime_{k}T_{k}(\tilde{\Lambda})$
$L = I - D^{-1/2} A D^{-1/2} = U^{T} \Lambda U$
$g_{\Theta} \ast x = U ((U^{T}g_{\Theta}) \bigodot (U^{T}x)) = g_{\Theta}(U \Lambda U^{T})x$
$g_{\Theta} \ast x = g_{\Theta}(U \Lambda U^{T})x = U\hat{G}U^{T}x$
$g_{\Theta}^{\prime} \approx \sum^{K}_{k=0}\Theta^{\prime}_{k}T_{k}(\tilde{\Lambda})$
$g_{\Theta} \ast x \approx \sum^{K}_{k=0}\Theta^{\prime}_{k}T_{k}(\tilde{L})x$
$L = I - D^{-1/2} A D^{-1/2} = U^{T} \Lambda U$
$g_{\Theta} \ast x = U ((U^{T}g_{\Theta}) \bigodot (U^{T}x)) = g_{\Theta}(U \Lambda U^{T})x = U\hat{G}U^{T}x$
$g_{\Theta} \ast x \approx \sum^{K}_{k=0}\Theta^{\prime}_{k}T_{k}(\tilde{L})x$
$L = I - D^{-1/2} A D^{-1/2} = U^{T} \Lambda U$
$g_{\Theta} \ast x = U ((U^{T}g_{\Theta}) \bigodot (U^{T}x)) = g_{\Theta}(U \Lambda U^{T})x = U\hat{G}U^{T}x$
$g_{\Theta} \ast x \approx \sum^{K}_{k=0}\Theta^{\prime}_{k}T_{k}(\tilde{L})x$
1) In moving toward multi-layer networks, we can remove the explicit Chebychev parameterization by limiting the layer-wise convolution operation to $K=1$
$L = I - D^{-1/2} A D^{-1/2} = U^{T} \Lambda U$
$g_{\Theta} \ast x = U ((U^{T}g_{\Theta}) \bigodot (U^{T}x)) = g_{\Theta}(U \Lambda U^{T})x = U\hat{G}U^{T}x$
$g_{\Theta} \ast x \approx \sum^{K}_{k=0}\Theta^{\prime}_{k}T_{k}(\tilde{L})x$
1) $K=1$
2) When calculating the rescaled $\tilde{\Lambda}$ and $\tilde{L}$, we can approximate $\lambda_{max} \approx 2$, expecting the neural network paramaters to adapt accordingly during training.
$\tilde{L} = \frac{2}{\lambda_{max}}L - I$, where $L = I - D^{-1/2} A D^{-1/2} \rightarrow \tilde{L} \approx L - I = D^{\frac{-1}{2}}AD^{\frac{-1}{2}}$
$g_{\Theta} \ast x \approx \theta^{\prime}_{0}x + \theta^{\prime}_{1}(L - I)x = \theta^{\prime}_{0}x + \theta^{\prime}_{1}D^{\frac{-1}{2}}AD^{\frac{-1}{2}}x$
$L = I - D^{-1/2} A D^{-1/2} = U^{T} \Lambda U$
$g_{\Theta} \ast x = U ((U^{T}g_{\Theta}) \bigodot (U^{T}x)) = g_{\Theta}(U \Lambda U^{T})x = U\hat{G}U^{T}x$
$g_{\Theta} \ast x \approx \sum^{K}_{k=0}\Theta^{\prime}_{k}T_{k}(\tilde{L})x$
1) $K=1$
2) $g_{\Theta} \ast x \approx \theta^{\prime}_{0}x + \theta^{\prime}_{1}D^{\frac{-1}{2}}AD^{\frac{-1}{2}}x$
3) We can further constrain the problem to learning a single parameter (per dimension in $x$): $\theta = \theta^{\prime}_{0} = -\theta^{\prime}_{1}$
4) The previous revisions have left $L$ with eigenvalues in $[0,2]$, potentially leading to numerical instabilities and exploding/vanishing gradients due to repeated operations
$D^{\frac{-1}{2}}AD^{\frac{-1}{2}} \rightarrow \tilde{D}^{\frac{-1}{2}}\tilde{A}\tilde{D}^{\frac{-1}{2}}$
$Z = \tilde{D}^{\frac{-1}{2}}\tilde{A}\tilde{D}^{\frac{-1}{2}}X\Theta$
$Z = \tilde{D}^{\frac{-1}{2}}\tilde{A}\tilde{D}^{\frac{-1}{2}}X\Theta$
$H^{(l+1)} = \sigma(\tilde{D}^{\frac{-1}{2}}\tilde{A}\tilde{D}^{\frac{-1}{2}}H^{l}W^{l})$
$Z = f(X,A) = \textrm{softmax}(\hat{A} \textrm{ReLU}(\hat{A}XW^{0})W^{1})$
""" Github: tkipf/pygcn """
import math
import torch
from torch.nn.parameter import Parameter
from torch.nn.modules.module import Module
class GraphConvolution(Module):
Simple GCN layer, similar to
def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, bias=True):
super(GraphConvolution, self).__init__()
self.in_features = in_features
self.out_features = out_features
self.weight = Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(in_features, out_features))
if bias:
self.bias = Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(out_features))
self.register_parameter('bias', None)
def reset_parameters(self):
stdv = 1. / math.sqrt(self.weight.size(1)), stdv)
if self.bias is not None:, stdv)
def forward(self, input, adj):
support =, self.weight)
output = torch.spmm(adj, support)
if self.bias is not None:
return output + self.bias
return output
""" Github: tkipf/pygcn """
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from layers import GraphConvolution
class GCN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, nfeat, nhid, nclass, dropout):
super(GCN, self).__init__()
self.gc1 = GraphConvolution(nfeat, nhid)
self.gc2 = GraphConvolution(nhid, nclass)
self.dropout = dropout
def forward(self, x, adj):
x = F.relu(self.gc1(x, adj))
x = F.dropout(x, self.dropout,
x = self.gc2(x, adj)
return F.log_softmax(x, dim=1)
import pandas as pd
edges = pd.read_csv('/Users/cm185255/Documents/pygcn/data/cora/cora.cites',sep='\t',header=None,names=["cited paper ID","ID of paper cited"])
features = pd.read_csv('/Users/cm185255/Documents/pygcn/data/cora/cora.content',sep='\t',header=None)
print('Table for the Edges (citations between papers)')
print('\nTable for the Features (word counts for each paper; last column = class)')
Table for the Edges (citations between papers)
cited paper ID ID of paper cited
0 35 1033
1 35 103482
2 35 103515
3 35 1050679
4 35 1103960
Table for the Features (word counts for each paper; last column = class)
0 1 2 3 ... 1431 1432 1433 1434
0 31336 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 Neural_Networks
1 1061127 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 Rule_Learning
2 1106406 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 Reinforcement_Learning
3 13195 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 Reinforcement_Learning
4 37879 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 Probabilistic_Methods
[5 rows x 1435 columns]
At each layer, the features at each node are transformed
$\pmb{h} = \{h_{1}, h_{2}, ..., h_{N}\}, h_{i} \in \mathbb{R}^{F} \rightarrow \pmb{h}^{\prime} = \{h_{1}^{\prime}, h_{2}^{\prime}, ..., h_{N}^{\prime}\}, h_{i}^{\prime} \in \mathbb{R}^{F^{\prime}}$
A shared weight matrix is learned for all nodes, and attention coefficients are calculated to denote importance of every node i to its neighbors j
$e_{ij} = a(\pmb{W}h_{i},\pmb{W}h_{j})$
Where $a(\cdot)$ is an attention mechanism. In our case - a single GCN layerAnatomical MRI | Diffusion MRI |