CSCI 1360

Foundations for Informatics and Analytics

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Course Policies

Kinda boring, but absolutely necessary. Please be familiar with these points so you and I don't have to have unpleasant conversations.


  • Assignments are due by 11:59:59pm on the noted date. Assignments turned in after this deadline will lose 25/100 points for every subsequent 24 hour-period they are late.
  • The presence or absence of any form of help or collaboration, whether given or received, must be explicitly stated and disclosed in full by all involved, on the first page of their assignment ("I did not give or receive any help on this assignment" or "I helped [person] with [specific task]."). Collaboration without full disclosure will be handled severely; except in usual extenuating circumstances, my policy is to fail the student(s) for the entire course.
  • DO NOT COPY CODE. I cannot stress this enough. Coding is a lot like writing: everyone has their own style that is very recognizable. It's not difficult to tell when students share their code. Don't do it.


  • Any material covered in lecture or homework assignments is considered fair game for both exams.
  • Both exams will be cumulative. I may even be lazy / clever and copy-paste midterm questions into the final.
  • The exact format of both exams will be variable; previous years' exams have included a mixture of multiple choice, matching, true/false, and hand-coding.
  • Time permitting, "practice" versions of the exams will be released. I will make every effort, but it will depend entirely on my schedule when the time comes; as such, do not assume it will happen.
  • Exams will be timed. You can complete them within the time frame allotted in under the maximum time interval. Collaboration in any form during either exam will be grounds for immediate failure of the course.

The UGA Academic Honesty Policy is the final word on these matters. Lack of knowledge of these policies is not sufficient justification for violations. If in doubt, ask me.