CBIO 4835/6835

Introduction to Computational Biology

This project is maintained by EDS@UGA

Course Schedule

Each assignment is two weeks.

Lectures are Tues & Thurs, 9:30 - 10:45am at Robert C. Pharmacy 238.

Final exam will be Tuesday, May 2, from 8:00 - 11:00am in our usual lecture location.

Date Topic Links
1/5 Course Introduction and pre-test slides pretest
1/10 Command line basics slides bash
1/12 Python syntax, variables, and operators slides
1/12 Assignment 1 Released
1/17 Control flow, loops, and data structures slides
1/19 File I/O and Importing Modules slides
1/24 Molecular Biology Primer slides
1/26 Sequence Alignment slides
1/26 Assignment 1 Due 11:59pm; Assignment 2 Released
1/31 Advanced data structures with NumPy slides
2/2 Dynamic Programming slides
2/7 Dr. Alex Bucksch on developing DIRT with Python slides
2/9 Dr. Shan-ho Tsai on high-performance scientific computing with the GACRC slides
2/9 Assignment 2 Due 11:59pm; Assignment 3 Released
2/14 Functions slides
2/16 Introduction to Probability slides
2/21 Hidden Markov Models slides
2/23 Using Biopython slides
2/23 Assignment 3 Due 11:59pm
2/28 Dr. Bodo Linz on analyzing clades of Bordetella species slides
3/5 - 3/12 Spring Break
3/14 Midterm Exam Postmortem Review
3/16 No Lecture project
3/21 Dr. Liming Cai on profile HMMs for multiple sequence alignment
3/23 Computational Modeling slides
3/28 Computational Structural Biology slides
3/30 Molecular Dynamics slides pymol
4/4 Introduction to Computer Vision slides
4/6 Bioimaging slides
4/7 Final Project Proposals Due 11:59pm
4/11 Visualization with matplotlib slides
4/13 Dr. Rene Ranzinger on open source projects in biological research slides
4/17 Assignment 456 Released
4/18 Clustering and machine learning with scikit-learn slides
4/20 Multitasking with multiprocessing and joblib, and process control with subprocess slides
4/25 Final Project Presentations materials
4/26 Assignment 456 Due 11:59pm
5/2 Final Project Deliverables Due 11:59pm